Key Post: My Online Presence
It is so scary how much the internet really knows about us. We don't realize how much information we put out into the world through the use of social media. There is no such thing as privacy when it comes to the internet. The internet knows everything about everyone. When we create social media accounts and voluntarily give our personal information, we never ponder the consequences that can come from that. We all see the good in these social media sites and try to block out the bad. Our online privacy being taken advantage of isn't our fault, but what is our fault is what we allow to be out there about ourselves.
I decided to google my name to see what would come up. When I googled my name, my Linkedin profile is the first thing to appear. My LinkedIn photo is the first photo that appears. My Facebook and Instagram do not appear because I have made them private. There are no inappropriate pictures that appear because I will not allow them to appear. I take social media very seriously, and it shows.
I decided to google my name to see what would come up. When I googled my name, my Linkedin profile is the first thing to appear. My LinkedIn photo is the first photo that appears. My Facebook and Instagram do not appear because I have made them private. There are no inappropriate pictures that appear because I will not allow them to appear. I take social media very seriously, and it shows.
For my own personal online presence, I don't have a huge platform. The social media sites I belong to are Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. I am completely private on all of my social media sites and take who I let look at them very seriously. I use Facebook, Snapchat Instagram for pleasure purposes, and I use YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn for educational and professional purposes only. My Twitter contains only tweets I had to make for communication classes. My Youtube contains only videos I had to make for my graphic design classes. I do not have a personal website at the moment. If someone were to see my Facebook and Instagram profiles, they would see the love I have for my family and friends. I have none of my social media sites linked because I do not want anyone to be able to see my photos. I pick and choose who I allow to see my photos in order to make to keep my own privacy intact. The information people can obtain from glancing at my social media profiles is that I enjoy making memories with my friends and family. I enjoy learning new things and visiting new places. I have a passion for traveling and exploring the world as a whole. I personally only give out my personal information to trustworthy websites and social media sites. The information I have voluntarily given out is my email and phone number to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. I have given my email and phone number to these sites in order to make sure that if my profile was ever hacked, they could notify me immediately.
I personally feel that social media can have strong negative effects that can really hurt a person's mental health. Social media is supposed to be a place where you express who you are, but it has become a place where people feel they need to only post the best versions of themselves at all times. People want other people to believe their lives are perfect. However, nobody's life is perfect. Social media makes us feel lonely because it allows you to feel as if no one is going through hardships besides you. It can make you feel depressed because you feel as if something is wrong with you, or that you yourself are doing something wrong to deserve these hardships. You feel as if no one understands, because they are all living their best lives according to their social media profiles. Social media can make you feel all alone because you aren't able to see the real things people are going through.
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