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The Opinions We Don't Hear

The Opinions We Don't Hear

     I have never seen or heard of the Antiwar and The American Conservative websites until now. I personally have never even been exposed to these types of opinions until now, because all the news that I come in contact with is either through television news or social media news.

      I believe I have never heard these strong antiwar opinions before because of the dominant stance they promote. Antiwar and The American Conservative strongly stand for non-interventionism. Non-interventionism is a foreign policy that focuses heavily on avoiding to interfere in foreign nation affairs but still remain cordial and diplomatic. It also focuses on not participating in wars unless it is absolutely necessary for the well-being of the United States. These websites stand for putting the United States' needs first, by protecting its own rights, power, and stability before getting involved with other countries. We don't hear about these strong opinions in the mainstream media, because they express everything that we are not performing within our society today. Today, we are heavily involved in other foreign nation's affairs, and we have been at war with Afghanistan since 2001, and that war is still going on today. These opinions are unheard of because America is so powerful, that sometimes we need to help other countries in order to protect our own.  If these opinions were to be exposed to mainstream media, I believe they would cause a huge debate because people would deem them as "un-American" because as America we are deemed as the strongest and most powerful country in the world, and how could we just sit back and watch another country struggle. We also cannot sit back and let other countries walk all over us and hurt our own people, without getting involved. We need to fight for the protection of the American people.

      Another reason, I believe we do not hear these strong antiwar voices in our everyday media is because our armed forces are completely voluntary. In the United States of America, the citizens of our country put their lives on the line everyday by signing up to go to war and fight for our country. These people risk their lives every day to make sure the country we live in is as safe and secure as possible. How could we preach these strong antiwar opinions, while there are people willing to put themselves in danger, in order to make sure we can secure our freedom. The fact that our armed services today are voluntary and there is no draft plays a huge role in not hearing antiwar voices.  People today aren't as adamant to get what they want because it is generally not their loved ones that are over there fighting for our country.

      I think we have to search really hard for these strong antiwar voices because they bring another perspective into what America has stood for all these years, which is to fight for what is right and for the protection of the American people. The war in Afghanistan and Iraq began because there was an attack on the American people so in order to protect America and its people we needed to fight against these foreign nations. Although, we find out later the war with Iraq was not necessary. The media sometimes portrays that the only choice we have in protecting our rights, is going to war. 


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