Key Post: Eight Values of Free Expression
The First Amendment is based upon six freedoms. The freedom from religion, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. The First Amendment gives us the people the right to free expression. Freedom of expression focuses on how the government doesn't have the right to forbid the public from talking about or writing about whatever they want. There are eight different values of free expression. I personally feel that the most important values of free expression are the participation in self-government (#2) and the value to protect dissent (#8).
The value to participate in self-government is very important because it relates freedom of speech to self-government. It is very important for the people of society to be informed on what is going on in politics and in the government because then they will be able to make smart decisions and know exactly what is going on within the world. It is crucial for the public to know that they have in say in the political issues that are displayed within the government.
It is an amazing gift that we are able to give our opinions to our government and that they will actually take opinions to heart. We have the right to vote. Not all countries have this luxury. Voting is a very underrated luxury that we often forget. It is our civic duty to learn about the decisions politicians are making about our lives, and then vote on either we think those ideas are good ideas or not. It is important to vote on these ideas because they impact lives in a major way. The right to discuss and vote on issues we care about is very inspiring because it allows us to have a feeling of authority over what is going on within our society. The news plays a major role in the way we learn about governmental issues. The news gives us a visual way to learn these issues. It provides us with the all different sides related to political issues. The news keeps you informed and updated on what our world is currently going through/
The value to protect dissent is meaningful because it allows for all views to be protected, whether they are liked or disliked. Everyone has the right to agree or disagree with the government. We have the right to criticize the government. That is huge. We can say we disagree and why we disagree. This value is so meaningful because we are able to check in on our government and what they are doing within our society. We are able to hold our government accountable for the actions they make, by calling them out on them. We are able to make sure our government doesn't take advantage of their power, or even abuse the power that they have. We can tell the government to fix something, and one way we can do that is through the use of social media.
Social media has given us a way for us to express our opinions openly on what is going on in the world. It also allows for all different types of opinions to be heard as well. It gives the public a platform to freely discuss what is on their mind, without judgment from the government. Our own politicians also use social media to express their own opinions on issues as well. It is a balanced source for everyone.
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