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EOTO Technology Post

Key Post: The Rise of NETFLIX 

      Netflix has become one of the most-watched streaming services all over the United States. But how did the service become so successful? The evolution of Netflix started over 20 years ago, and it continues to thrive and expand every year. The history of Netflix is very intriguing and I acquired a lot of knowledge about how Netflix has really shaped our media culture. Reed Hastings & Mark Randolph, CEO of Netflix, came up with the idea of Netflix when Blockbuster charged them 40 dollars for an overdue rental of Apollo 13. We the students of High Point have had the privilege to meet Mr. Randolph when he came and spoke at our university.

   In 1997, Netflix wasn’t a subscription service, it was an online-based DVD rental service.
DVD subscriptions were born in 1999. For 16 dollars a month, you could subscribe to Program and receive DVD rentals per month with no late fee. The first attempt of online streaming that Netflix presented was in 2007. In 2008, Netflix decided to allow unlimited streaming. Netflix’s unlimited streaming was placed within 55 percent of Americans' homes once it was developed. In 2013, Netflix had gained 47.5 streaming subscribers. In 2015, Netflix had gained such a huge following, that it led to the worldwide use of the word “binge-watch”. The word “binge-watch” became very popular through Netflix watchers constantly using their subscription. 60 percent of Netflix users binge-watch shows every few weeks. Then, Netflix started to make and post original tv shows and movies on their site. Today, it is one of the most widely known streaming services in the U.S. These facts indicate how far Netflix has come from being an online DVD service to becoming one of the largest streaming services in society today.

      Netflix was not only super successful and gained tons of publicity, but the company also created a huge impact on society and technology as a whole. Netflix brought the possibility of change to the entertainment industry. Netflix changed society forever because they put the DVD companies, such as BlockBuster out of business. Netflix became so successful by taking a large chunk of their competition out of the running. The creation of a seamless flow of media was huge for society. Netflix made it possible to watch your favorite shows from years ago without any commercials taking place. This led to the binge-watching phenomena to begin. You could watch your show for hours and hours with the time just passing you by. Some people love to binge-watch, others criticized it.  Binge-watching gave people the opportunity to not have to wait a week for the next episode to come out, and in this day in age people expect to have everything right at their fingertips at all times.

      Netflix allowed people to relive their childhood, by watching their favorite childhood films and television shows. Netflix created its own original content that became widely successful all over the world. Netflix was able to acquire major celebrities to perform in their originals, making their content seem even more desirable and credible. Netflix made their customers feel heard on their service, by listing all their movies in genre order and creating a list of movies they feel you would most enjoy based on previous things you have watched. Netflix brought a whole new meaning to customer service within the entertainment industry. 

     Netflix is everywhere in today's society. Netflix's streaming service changed technology through the development of no commercials, original content, and excellent customer service. Netflix changed the way we communicate because it allowed us to watch films and television shows from all different eras. 


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