Key Post: Eight Values of Free Expression The First Amendment is based upon six freedoms. The freedom from religion, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. The First Amendment gives us the people the right to free expression. Freedom of expression focuses on how the government doesn't have the right to forbid the public from talking about or writing about whatever they want. There are eight different values of free expression. I personally feel that the most important values of free expression are the participation in self-government (#2) and the value to protect dissent (#8). The value to participate in self-government is very important because it relates freedom of speech to self-government. It is very important for the people of society to be informed on what is going on in politics and in the government because then they will be able to make smart decisions and know exactly what is going on within the ...
This is a blog for my media law and literacy class.